Who else plays today?

Rating: 10.51

Rating: 0.00

Second half 0/0
Player Rating Pos. Nationality Latest game
Prediction Make a prediction Ini Akpan 0.00 Goalkeeper Nigeria
Prediction Make a prediction Andrew Hogg 0.00 Goalkeeper Malta
Prediction Make a prediction Miroslav Koprić 0.00 Goalkeeper Croatia
Prediction Make a prediction Christian Bubalović 0.00 Defender Croatia
Prediction Make a prediction Edward Herrera 0.00 Defender Malta
Prediction Make a prediction Predrag Jović 0.00 Defender Serbia
Prediction Make a prediction Bruno Marotti 0.00 Defender Croatia
Prediction Make a prediction Mauricio Mazzetti 0.00 Defender Argentina
Prediction Make a prediction Nikola Vukanac 0.00 Defender Serbia
Prediction Make a prediction Joseph Zerafa 0.00 Defender Malta
Prediction Make a prediction Jake Grech 0.02 Midfielder Malta 19/06/2023
Prediction Make a prediction Edmond Agius 0.00 Midfielder Malta
Prediction Make a prediction Mislav Anđelković 0.00 Midfielder Croatia
Prediction Make a prediction Shaun Bajada 0.00 Midfielder Malta
Prediction Make a prediction Edison Bilbao 0.00 Midfielder Chile
Prediction Make a prediction Srđan Dimitrov 0.00 Midfielder Serbia
Prediction Make a prediction Dejan Đorđević 0.00 Midfielder Serbia
Prediction Make a prediction Marcelina Emerson 0.00 Midfielder Brazil
Prediction Make a prediction Gareth Sciberras 0.00 Midfielder Malta
Prediction Make a prediction Ryan Scicluna 0.00 Midfielder Malta
Prediction Make a prediction Kurt Zammit 0.00 Midfielder Malta
Prediction Make a prediction Paul Mbong 9.39 Forward Malta 17/11/2023
Prediction Make a prediction Luke Montebello 1.10 Forward Malta 17/10/2023
Prediction Make a prediction Michael Mifsud 0.00 Forward Malta
Prediction Make a prediction Vito Plut 0.00 Forward Slovenia
Prediction Make a prediction Frank Temile 0.00 Forward Nigeria
Prediction Make a prediction Cain Attard -4.56 Defender Malta 17/11/2023
Prediction Make a prediction Henry Bonello -10.20 Goalkeeper Malta 17/11/2023
Prediction Make a prediction Yannick Yankam -12.78 Midfielder Malta 17/11/2023
Prediction Make a prediction Enrico Pepe -14.80 Defender Malta 17/11/2023
Prediction Make a prediction Matthew Guillaumier -17.79 Midfielder Malta 17/11/2023

Who will score in the second half?

The essence of the Second Half game: try to predict who of the players will score in the second half of the match. Each contestant may take up to 5 forecasts by game on any player (unused “bids” do not carry over and will be lost). To name a goal scorer, you should choose a team in fixtures, click on it and tick a box vis-a-vis a player of its squad, which in your opinion will score a goal in second half. The system accepts predictions until one hour after the start of the match — that is, before the start of the second half.

For each goal scored by your chosen player you get points: 2 in case the player has a forward position, 4 for midfielder, 16 for defender. Points earned are added to the overall result of the tournament; the winners receive prizes.

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- A legionary with an existing contract is marked with a ball icon.

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