What is the Fantasy Football?

The essence of the game is to prove yourself as a successful manager, buying promising players who will gain the highest amount of rating points.

Thebest managers will receive prizes.

Register/authorize on site — and join the game!

How to start playing

You can enter competition at any time.

How to create your fantasy team

Your full fantasy team squad (2) should include 23 players: 3 goalkeepers, 6 defenders, 8 midfielders, and 6 forwards. No more than 4 players should be part of the base team squad (as well as of any other team’s squad). To form a more promising squad, study the current day's fixtures and squads of teams that are going to play today. Use the green "Buy" button to sign a player, or the red "Sell" button to cash him.

Attention! The system will “block” a player 1,5 hours before the beginning of a match involving his team (including national teams if he is part of it); the player is “unblocked” after the end of the match and the recording of the match protocol in the system. Blocked players cannot be bought or sold.

Against whom and how do I compete?

On the Calendar page you can choose any team from any match covered and tracked by FTBL site. With buttons BUY you can pick any player to your team, but no more than 4 players from each real club. If you want to get rid of player and choose another one, use SELL button.

Buying and selling players, you earn rating points, simultaneouly competing in different tournaments.

There are three types of "currency" on thi site. In some tournaments you receive so called Real money or simply Reals. Also there are prize points. And finally, there is a third "currency" - playmoney. They can be used to buy "legionnaires" to help your Brain team.

More details about all these tournaments can be found on their pages on the "Rules" tab. Below we will talk about three tournaments of fantasy football proper.

The best manager

The essence of the game is to prove yourself as a successful manager, buying promising players who will gain the maximum score of the rating.

In the "Calendar" section you can select the teams from any match tracked by the system. After selecting the team, you will see its squad. Use the green Buy button to buy the player or the red Sell button for sale.

Important: the base club (as well as any other) must be represented by no more than 4 players.

Buying and selling players, you compete in managerial tournament, simultaneously performing in various team and personal tournaments.

The main tournament - to beat two opponent teams at once

Choose (3) one of the upcoming real matches. Choose the games of any of the national championships tracked by the System, as well as matches of international club tournaments.

After the end of the game day, the points scored by your fantasy team are counted. You play against both participants of the real match you choose: they score you as many goals as they score each other in a real match; you score each of them one goal for every 75 rating points earned by your team during the game day.

In other words, your team plays two virtual matches, for the victory in each of which ypu are awarded 3 points, for a draw - 1, and for the defeat - none.

Important: you can not withdraw a match request.

Attention! In case of cancellation of the chosen real match or its transfer for more than a day, a fantasy football team will get two technical victories 1-0 in virtual matches.

Attention, bonus!

Make a prediction for the chosen match - and, in case of a successful prediction of the number of goals scored by any of the teams, these goals will be credited to your team's account!

For example, you entered the final of the Europa League "Atletico" (Madrid) - "Fulham" and predicted the score 3-1. Result of the real match: 2-1. This means that you have guessed the exact number of goals of "Fulham" (1), and with "Atletico" you did not succeed. Thus, in virtual matches against these teams to goals that you earn, will be added to an additional goal.

So, suppose, after choosing a match, you scored 160 rating points - this is 2 goals per goal, "Atletico" and "Fulham". And taking into account the bonus heads - 2 + 1 = 3 goals.

At the same time, if you could guess the exact score, you would get 2 bonus goals (for Atletico's guesses) + 1 bonus goal (for Fulham) = 3 extra goals! In principle, in this scenario, you do not even need to score rating points to win your virtual matches - to win in them would be enough for 3 bonus-heads.

Important: If the number of goals is predicted incorrectly, they are not counted in the score of the heads of the virtual match.

To the attention of the participants of the football forecast Predictor! The forecast sent to the chosen match is not included in the limit for 5 forecasts, which you can do every day. In other words, you get 1 additional "ticket" for every match chosen in fantasy football - but must "fill" it right away, not postponing "for later" and not changing the predicted match.

Captain's tournament

The captain of your virtual team becomes the goalkeeper, defender or midfielder, who collected the most points in the game day. A forward can not be a captain. After that, the captain's points multiplied by a coefficient equal to the number of matches in the calendar of the given day, but not exceeding 5 (ie for any number of matches from 5 and above the coefficient remains equal to five). Then the result is compared with the total points of your entire virtual team. The best of the two results goes to the Best Manager and all other tournaments. Thus, users who can not play every day will be able to compete with the rest. Suppose you can not sell and buy players in the next 3 days. Then you just need to type in your team the most promising players of each of these days, and the result of the best in each of the days, multiplied by the coefficient of the given day, will be taken into account in all tournaments.

Prizes: The top 100 participants of the captain's tournament receive 1,000,000 PM each month.

On the Calendar page you choose any team from any match covered and tracked by FTBL site. With buttons BUY you can pick any player to your team, but no more than 4 players from each real club. If you want to get rid of player and choose another one, use SELL button.

Please Note! In the Best Manager and Captain tournaments your final result is the sum of the points gained through all the playing days of the month. But in Predictor and Basic Tournament only 23 best daily results are summed.  

FTBL Championship

In FTBL Championship there is a 'pyramid' coniting of seven group with 8 players in each group. The tournament is short - only 1 day - and with very dynamic promotion/relegation system. The winners at different levels can win Reals or Playmoney. Details:

What can I do if I still have questions?

Just ask your questions – customer support and experienced players will be happy to help you.


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