29.11.2024 07:53 (9 days ago)
Previous match
24.11.2024 11:30
The range of estimates for the next match
< 0
0.00 to 2.75
2.75 to 4.95
4.95 to 6.05
6.05 to 8.25
8.25 to 11.00
> 11.00
Next match
29.11.2024 19:45
Cagliari — Hellas Verona
Rating prediction for next match
Cagliari — Hellas Verona
29.11.2024 19:45
Răzvan Marin’s performance in the next match will be stellar! Cagliari will win with a score 3:1.
Predictions overall: 19 for the player, 274 for the match.
Match result: 1:0. Correct predictions: 30.
Răzvan Marin played below usual (rating for the match: 4.12). Correct predictions: 0.
Points for your prediction: 0.