Buffon marries Czech model

Italy and Juventus goalkeeper Gianluigi Buffon married Czech model and actress Alena Seredova. The ceremony took place in Prague, Seredova's native city. Buffon and Seredova have been together for six years and have two sons.

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Fantasy Football: Match of the day
Игорь Хаха 20/05/2024
Bologna 3 : 8 Arsenal
Łukasz Skorupski
Stefan Posch
Jhon Lucumí
Riccardo Calafiori
Victor Kristiansen
Remo Freuler
Michel Aebischer
Kacper Urbański
Jens Odgaard
Dan Ndoye
Santiago Castro
Lorenzo Montipò
Stefan Posch
Milan Gajić
Ivan Oblyakov
Remo Freuler
Federico Chiesa
Michel Aebischer
Dušan Vlahović
Anton Zabolotnyi
Dan Ndoye
Super League
Brain Football
Central matches
02:11:06-02:11:06 serv1