World Top 23: Chelsea's Anelka Grabs 5th Place, Luca Toni Drops

Chelsea forward and France international Nicolas Anelka (pictured) was all brilliance yesterday against Sunderland as he concluded a remarkable season with a goal (the 25th) to see his side to a 3:2 away win and grab the 5th place in the FTBL World Top 23 for forwards from Bayern Munich’s Luca Toni.

Toni was unable to score in the final match of the Bundesliga for this season against Stuttgart and picked up just 12 rating points, to Anelka’s 26.83: the Frenchman now has an overall rating of 191.38 points, while Toni has just 180 points over all.

Anelka has also upset the order in the FTBL rating of French forwards, grabbing the first spot from Barcelona’s Thierry Henry (175.79 points). Henry has been sidelined since May 2 by injury, but the French star will have a chance to reclaim his lost position in the rating when Barcelona meet Manchester United in the Champions League final in Rome on May 27.



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