U.S. Striker Davies Headed for French Ligue 1

U.S. striker Charlie Davies (pictured right) has traded Hammarby IF in the modest Swedish league for FC Sochaux-Montbéliard in the more competitive French Ligue 1, where he is set to have the opportunity to compete with some of the top forwards in the world.

With an overall FTBL rating of 67.46 points, Davies will rank behind Turkish striker Mevlut Erdinc (108.55 points) and Czech international Vaclav Sverkos (80.04 points). The two top FTBL rankings for their respective countries.

Despite the stiff competition awaiting him, Davies could find comfort in his rather solid indicator of individual contribution to the rating (42.4%) and star index of 28.8%, all higher than those of his main rivals.


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