Former Lille Leader Bastos to Face Stiff Competition at Lyon

Brazilian midfielder Michel Bastos (pictured) has just traded Lille, a team in which he played a leading role, for top French Ligue 1 flight Lyon, where he is more than certain to meet stiff competition.

Bastos became the leader of the midfield at Lille towards the end of last season with 88.51 points and the second-best rated player in the team as a whole, behind Slovak striker Robert Vittek (102.65 points).

At Lyon Bastos will rank only 4th among midfielders, behind Cameroon international Jean Makoun (114.26 points), Swede Kim Kallstrom (100.61 points), and French international Jeremy Toulalan (96.25 points). The Brazilian has an individual contribution to the rating of 32.4%, the highest in his new team.



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