Can West Ham Lure Bayern Munich's Luca Toni?

Bayern Munich’s Italy international Luca Toni (pictured) has spurred interest at West Ham United, British newspaper The Telegraph reports, citing the player’s agent. If they can pull off the trick, West Ham will receive in Toni quite an attack weapon.

The Italian giant, who has an overall FTBL rating of 129.21 points at the moment, will substantially boost West Ham’s current strike force made up of modest Dean Ashton (78.08 points) and Carlton Cole (72.08 points).

Ashton and Cole pick up 8.84 and 8.27 points, respectively, per game, while their ratings peaked at 100 and 141 points, respectively. Toni, on the other hand, picks up on average 14.62 points per game and has peaked at 226 points.


Fantasy Football: Match of the day
Игорь Хаха 20/05/2024
Bologna 3 : 8 Arsenal
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Victor Kristiansen
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Kacper Urbański
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Lorenzo Montipò
Stefan Posch
Milan Gajić
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Remo Freuler
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Dan Ndoye
Super League
Brain Football
Central matches
17:52:44-17:52:44 serv1