Serie A: Juve’s Zanetti Should Do Well at Fiorentina

Juventus’s midfielder Cristiano Zanetti (pictured) will be joining Fiorentina in the coming days, the Italian La Gazzetta dello Sport reports. takes a look at the midfielder’s prospect in Tuscany.

Zanetti will be joining his new team as a player with more experience in Serie A than any of Fiorentina’s current midfielders. His overall FTBL rating stands at 53.01 point at the moment, and he is 3rd in our ranking of midfielders in the Serie A.

The only midfielders with a higher rating at Fiorentina at the moment are Serb Zdravko Kuzmanovic (74.51 points) and Riccardo Montolivo (59.65 points). But the two will not directly compete with the new recruit.

Instead, Zanetti will be competing head-on for first-team action with Marco Donadel. A comparison of the two players’ stats shows that Donadel has a lower FTBL rating (48.21 points) and an even lower individual contribution to the rating (-1.6% against 8.2%). Donadel is also relatively less valuable; he picks up on average 5.47 rating points per game against Zanetti’s 6.54 points.


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