Liverpool’s Reina Can’t Fall Lower

Liverpool suffered their 4th defeat in competitive football in a row last night, something that has not happened to the Merseyside for 20 years! Goalkeeper José Reina, in that vein, has conceded 7 goals in the 4 games, losing something in the neighborhood of 50 rating points in the FTBL system.

Reina has now slumped to 29th in the FTBL world ranking of goalkeepers, which, for a player of his quality, should mean he can’t fall lower. In his next 5 games he will have a combined plank of 11.20 rating points to beat, but a dramatic rise in the ranking can hardly be expected here, since the Reds are scheduled to take on current Premier League leaders Manchester United, followed by Arsenal.

The most likely scenario here is a modest rise for Reina, to the 85- to 90-point mark by the end of the first week of November.



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