Serie A: Pazzini Poised to Gain in FTBL Ranking As Juve Prepare to Take on Sampdoria

Juventus will need to watch out for Gianpaolo Pazzini (pictured) when they host #2 in Serie A standings Sampdoria tonight: Pazzini is the forward with the highest FTBL rating, 135.63 points, at Sampdoria.

With a plank of just 1 rating point to beat tonight, Pazzini stands a good chance of advancing in the ranking.

If Sampdoria can avoid losing, Pazzini will most probably catch up with AS Roma’s Francesco Totti (139.85 points), while overtaking AC Milan’s Alexandre Pato (142.03 points) is less likely, as the Brazil international also faces a plank of just 12 rating point against Napoli tonight.




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