France’s Gallas, Lloris Score Big in FTBL World Top 23

As France netted a laborious but crucial 1:0 away win over Ireland in the fist game of their World Cup 2010 playoff yesterday, Olympique Lyon goalkeeper Hugo Lloris (pictured) earned a whopping 18.15 rating points in the FTBL system to break into the top 3 of our ranking of European goalkeepers and simultaneously take the lead in our ranking of French goalkeepers with an overall score of 99.21 points.

In the meantime, Arsenal skipper William Gallas added 11.85 rating points in the FTBL system to take his tally to 115.96 points, capturing thus the lead in our ranking of French defenders. Gallas is also now the 3rd best defender in the world on the FTBL chart.



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Игорь Хаха 20/05/2024
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