Frustrated Keane Must Now Channel Anger into League Games with Spurs (Video)

Ireland skipper Robbie Keane (pictured left) must be devastated after losing to France through a mistake by the referee in Game 2 of their World Cup 2010 playoff, but he might now want to channel that anger into games for his Tottenham Hotspur in the English Premier League.


Keane went into the crucial game against France as the best forward at Tottenham with an FTBL score of 114.04 points and proved it on the pitch by scoring Ireland’s only goal in the game.

Keane’s last goal for his club was against No 6 Sunderland (above) in Premier League action before joining the Irish team, and if he can extend that goal-scoring run in Spur’s next 2 games, he will be in a position to net in 15-25 rating points in the FTBL system in each game, irrespective of the final results. It is not entirely impossible to envision Keane in the top 6 of the FTBL ranking of Premier League forwards sometime in the near future.



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