Bayern’s Lahm Slightly Improves Position in FTBL Ranking

With the narrow home win over Maccabi Haifa in the Champions League last Wednesday, Bayern Munich and its vice-captain Phillip Lahm (pictured in the forefront) had something to celebrate and forget, it for a while, their continuing woes in the Bundesliga.

Lahm, who had an FTBL score of 120 points just 2 months ago, was in the top 6 of our world ranking of defenders, before Bayern went on a nose dive and his score collapsed to 87 points.

The win on Wednesday added a paltry 4.7 rating points to Lahm’s score, but still sent it to 98.75 points and allowed him to capture the # 2 spot in our ranking of German defenders.

Lahm has a good chance of advancing further in the ranking in the games ahead as he will face low planks to beat; 8 rating points in the next game for example.



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Игорь Хаха 20/05/2024
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