Premier League: Almunia Pushes Reds’ Reina Out of Top 23

Arsenal keeper Manuel Almunia (pictured) rose to the top 3 of the FTBL ranking of Premier League goalkeepers, as we predicted, after keeping a clean sheet as the Gunners convincingly defeated Standard Liege 2:0 in the group stage of the Champions League last Tuesday.

With an overall FTBL score of 90.32 points, Almunia has pushed Liverpool’s José Reina (85.9 points) out of the top 3 of the ranking.

It is worth noticing however that Reina will have a chance to recover lost ground in his next game; he will go in with a guaranteed bonus of 3 rating points, while Almunia will have to avoid conceding a goal once again. If the Reds win their next game without conceding a single goal, Reina will be back in the top 3 of the ranking, at Almunia's expense.



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