Anelka: Next Target 200?

Since we have been covering him, Chelsea star striker Nicolas Anelka (right) has never hit 200 points in the FTBL rankings. With 188.09 at the moment, he is 11.92 points from that mark. Will he finally conquer it?

Anelka will face a combined plank of 38.7 points to beat in our system in the next two games, which suggests hitting 200 points might be problematic; just to remain at the current level, he will need to win both games and score at least two goals.

But if Anelka and his partners are able to pull that off, then the French international will be in a position to begin the year with more than 200 points. In the Premier League game against Hull City on January 9, he will face a plank of just 3 rating points to beat. If Chelsea resume their winning ways and begin scoring again in these last days of December, Anelka could beat the 200-point mark even before the end of the year.


Fantasy Football: Match of the day
Игорь Хаха 20/05/2024
Bologna 3 : 8 Arsenal
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Stefan Posch
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Riccardo Calafiori
Victor Kristiansen
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Kacper Urbański
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Lorenzo Montipò
Stefan Posch
Milan Gajić
Ivan Oblyakov
Remo Freuler
Federico Chiesa
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Dan Ndoye
Super League
Brain Football
Central matches
19:35:35-19:35:36 serv1