African Nations Cup: Essien Suffers in FTBL Ranking

Ghana’s 1:3 loss to Cote d’Ivoire in the African Nations Cup last Friday cost Chelsea’s Ghana international Michael Essien some 30 rating points in the FTBL system.

The game also pushed out of Essien’s Last Five Chelsea’s 4:0 win over Wolverhampton, in which he had a double. Fortunately for the Ghanaian star, he continues to top the FTBL ranking of Ghanaian midfielders.

Essien could attempt to redress the situation in the next game against Burkina Faso, in which he will face a plank of just 4.55 points to beat in our system. The Ghanaians are logical favorites in the encounter, and Essien should be able to make up for Friday’s loss.




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