EPL: Benayoun Has Chance to Advance in FTBL Ranking As Liverpool Take On Spurs

Liverpool midfielder Yossi Benayoun (right) has a good chance of advancing in the FTBL ranking after tonight’s game against Tottenham Hotspur in the English Premier League. The Israel international has added some 20 points to his overall score in the last month and can now eye a spot in the top 8 of our ranking of midfielders in England’s top league.

Benayoun currently has a score of 108.95 points and will go into tonight’s game with a guaranteed bonus of 1.12 rating points. The bonus is compensation for the 1:2 loss to Arsenal.

A simple win for the Reds might be enough to see Benayoun back into the elite of the EPL; that is if Liverpool are able to shed their nervousness of late. If the match ends in a draw, he will be able to advance only if he scores.

Benayoun needs a little more than 8 points to join the top 8 of our list.


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14:59:06-14:59:06 serv1