EPL: Owen Likely to Drop in FTBL Ranking against Hull City

Manchester United’s former England international Michael Owen will need a miracle to avoid dropping substantially in the FTBL ranking in the coming English Premier League game against Hull City; he will face a daunting plank of 41.60 points to beat in our system.

Owen set the plank so high after scoring all the goals in the 3:1 win over German Champions Wolfsburg in the group stage of the Champions League. He now has to repeat that feat in order to avoid a loss.

Owen has not scored since. With a score of 77.82 points at the moment, he could lose half of that score in the coming game, especially given the very small amount of time he is given on the pitch.


Fantasy Football: Match of the day
Игорь Хаха 20/05/2024
Bologna 3 : 8 Arsenal
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Stefan Posch
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Super League
Brain Football
Central matches
17:47:28-17:47:29 serv1