Ligue 1: Lyon’s Cris Takes Lead among Defenders

Olympique Lyon’s Brazilian Cris took the lead in the FTBL ranking of defenders in the French Ligue 1 after scoring the winner in the dramatic 2:1 victory over Paris Saint-Germain yesterday. But this could be just the beginning of a dramatic drive up the ranking.

Cris’s combined plank to beat in his next 2 games will be just 3.5 points. Even if Lyon win just one of those games, Cris’s score could increase to 120 points from the current 104.7 points.

Cris has scored 2 goals in his last 3 games. The 32-year-old seems determined to attract the attention of Brazil coach Dunga. After all, this is a World Cup year!



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Игорь Хаха 20/05/2024
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