EPL: Liverpool Skipper Gerrard Poised for Return in World Top 23

Liverpool skipper and England international Steven Gerrard could return in the FTBL list of the world’s top 23 players after the English Premier League game against No.9 Everton.

Gerrard is currently in 9th position in the FTBL world ranking of midfielders with an overall score of 121.41 points. He trails the No. 8 in the ranking, AC Milan’s Brazil international Ronaldinho, by just 2.69 points. But Gerrard will face a negative plank of -3 points against Everton, while Ronaldinho will have to clear a plank of 18.95 points.

The Reds will go into the game against Everton with the wind behind their backs; they have won 8 of the last 10 games between the two teams. Even a draw will boost Gerrard’s overall score to around 150 points, which will send him back into the world elite.

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