Arjen Robben rises higher

Bayern München 2 Fiorentina 1. Bayern's Dutch striker Arjen Robben rises to 2nd place in the world chart of forwards after scoring one of goals against Fiorentina. His goalscoring run now totals 5 matches. Just in 2 recent months his individual rating increased from 68 to current 215,16 points.

Fantasy Football: Match of the day
solomonkane 29/05/2024
Nizhny Novgorod 1 : 4 Tottenham Hotspur
Artur Nigmatullin
Nikita Kakkoev
Dmitriy Tikhiy
Kirill Bozhenov
Kirill Gotsuk
Viktor Aleksandrov
Mateo Stamatov
Konstantin Kuchaev
Nikolay Kalinskiy
Nikita Ermakov
Zé Turbo
Pietro Terracciano
Silvije Begić
Santiago Hezze
Kostas Fortounis
Antonín Barák
Andrey Egorychev
Ayoub El Kaabi
Nicolás González
Aleksey Kashtanov
Andrea Belotti
Super League
Brain Football
Central matches
02:11:14-02:11:14 serv1