Milan’s Pirlo Returns in Serie A Top Chart

Italy international Andrea Pirlo (pictured left) and the whole of AC Milan seem to be returning to their senses after fumbling through the first games of the season: they overcame Bologna 1:0 yesterday at the San Siro to seal their second win in 4 games so far. Pirlo used the occasion to claim back a spot among the top 8 midfielders in the Serie A on the FTBL chart.

Pirlo picked up 19.3 rating points to boost his tally to 105.76 points, his best result since the beginning of the season. He is now in 32nd position in the world ranking of midfielders.

Midfielder Angelo Palombo was the first Sampdoria player to rejoin the Serie A Top 23 after a long absence; he had the opener in his side’s 4:1 home drubbing of Siena.

The goal boosted Palombo’s overall FTBL rating to 107.98 points, his career high so far.



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