Bundesliga: Hamburg’s Berg Shows Talent Despite Sweden’s Failure

Hamburg’s young talent Marcus Berg (pictured), who just a few months ago still played for Sweden’s U-21 team, last Wednesday put his name on the scoresheet to help his country trash Albania 4:1 even as the win failed to secure qualification for the World Cup finals. He used the game to power himself into the top tier of the FTBL rating of Bundesliga strikers.

Berg’s goal came in the 40th, earning the youngster 18.35 rating points in the FTBL system and pushing his overall rating to a high 125.39 points. In the world ranking Berg is now in 40th place.

Berg’s next plank to beat will amount to 7 rating points, and an extension of his scoring streak could take him even higher in the Bundesliga ranking.

In the FTBL ranking of Sweden strikers, Berg remains firmly in 2nd position, behind Barcelona star Zlatan Ibrahimovic (168.25 points).


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