Premier League: Time for Liverpool’s Gerrard to Return to the Forefront!

As English Premier League action resumes Saturday with crisis-stricken Liverpool taking on ambitious No 6 Manchester City at Anfield Road, skipper Steven Gerrard (pictured) should be itching to return to his usual role as the Reds’s inspiration and driving force on the pitch.

Gerrard has slipped, along with Liverpool, into a mini-crisis in the past 2 months, losing approximately 100 points in the FTBL system. His score is currently at 82.62 points, a rather paltry showing for a player of his caliber. Gerrard has dropped in the FTBL world ranking of midfielders, in which he has usually been in leading positions, to 93rd place.

The coming game against City could be the turning point for Gerrard and Liverpool this season. A return to lost positions in the FTBL rankings could be made easier by the fact that he will face very low thresholds in his next 4 games.




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