Bayern’s van Bommel Sneaks Past Iniesta in World Ranking of Midfielders

Barcelona’s Andres Iniesta (pictured) has dropped one rank in the FTBL world ranking of midfielders after Spain’s game against Russia in the EURO 2008 dropped from the list of games played by the Spain international in the last 6 months. In Spain’s 3:0 win then, Iniesta earned 25.85 points in the FTBL system and a tenth of that gain has been subtracted from his tally. He now has 129.24 points.

Bayern Munich’s Mark van Bommel has now sneaked past Iniesta in the ranking, where he is now 8th with a tally of 130.01 points. Van Bommel can still be pushed down before the end of the year after the last games of the English Premier League in 2009.



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Игорь Хаха 20/05/2024
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