Can David Villa Return to 200 Points in Next Game?

Valencia striker David Villa suffered a serious loss in the FTBL system after the goalless draw at Tenerife; he went into the game with a plank of 33 points to beat but was able to glean just 6 points. Yet his overall score remains high. Can he return to above 200 points in the next game?

At first glance, that should not be a problem; his plank to beat is just 6 points. Yet we should take into account the fact that the game will be at No. 6 Sevilla, and Valencia have lost 5 of their last 6 games there, with only one draw.

Villa is more likely to suffer another light loss. A return to 200 points is more likely in the following home game against No. 17 Real Valladolid. Even though he will face a plank of 13 points to beat, the opponent is a lot weaker; Valencia won the first-round game 4:2, and Villa scored twice then.



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