Who else plays today?

Rating: 472.44

Second half 0/0
Player Rating Pos. Nationality Latest game
Prediction Make a prediction Carlos Lampe 20.10 Goalkeeper Bolivia 10/09/2024
Prediction Make a prediction Guillermo Vizcarra 9.49 Goalkeeper Bolivia 19/11/2024
Prediction Make a prediction Roberto Fernández 59.27 Defender Bolivia 07/12/2024
Prediction Make a prediction Luis Haquin 35.01 Defender Bolivia 19/11/2024
Prediction Make a prediction Diego Medina 34.16 Defender Bolivia 19/11/2024
Prediction Make a prediction Marcelo Suárez 32.35 Defender Bolivia 19/11/2024
Prediction Make a prediction José Sagredo 20.42 Defender Bolivia 15/11/2024
Prediction Make a prediction Luis Barboza 0.00 Defender Bolivia
Prediction Make a prediction Luis Paz -0.96 Defender Bolivia 15/11/2024
Prediction Make a prediction Miguel Terceros 68.45 Midfielder Bolivia 19/11/2024
Prediction Make a prediction Robson Matheus 47.87 Midfielder Bolivia 19/11/2024
Prediction Make a prediction Ramiro Vaca 40.95 Midfielder Bolivia 19/11/2024
Prediction Make a prediction Ervin Vaca 17.97 Midfielder Bolivia 19/11/2024
Prediction Make a prediction Héctor Cuellar 10.06 Midfielder Bolivia 19/11/2024
Prediction Make a prediction Daniel Camacho 2.58 Midfielder Bolivia 05/09/2024
Prediction Make a prediction Jeyson Chura 2.25 Midfielder Bolivia 10/10/2024
Prediction Make a prediction Carlos Sejas 0.11 Midfielder Bolivia 15/11/2024
Prediction Make a prediction Gabriel Villamíl -0.47 Midfielder Bolivia 19/11/2024
Prediction Make a prediction Óscar López -3.54 Midfielder Bolivia 15/11/2024
Prediction Make a prediction Carmelo Algarañaz 62.48 Forward Bolivia 19/11/2024
Prediction Make a prediction Enzo Monteiro 12.39 Forward Bolivia 19/11/2024
Prediction Make a prediction César Menacho 1.06 Forward Bolivia 15/11/2024
Prediction Make a prediction Gabriel Sotomayor 0.44 Forward Bolivia 15/11/2024
Prediction Make a prediction Efraín Morales -4.21 Defender Bolivia 19/11/2024
Prediction Make a prediction Lucas Chávez -4.50 Midfielder Bolivia 19/11/2024
Prediction Make a prediction Yomar Rocha -4.53 Defender Bolivia 15/11/2024
Prediction Make a prediction Adalid Terrazas -11.36 Midfielder Bolivia 15/11/2024
Prediction Make a prediction Boris Céspedes -15.28 Midfielder Bolivia 02/07/2024

Who will score in the second half?

The essence of the Second Half game: try to predict who of the players will score in the second half of the match. Each contestant may take up to 5 forecasts by game on any player (unused “bids” do not carry over and will be lost). To name a goal scorer, you should choose a team in fixtures, click on it and tick a box vis-a-vis a player of its squad, which in your opinion will score a goal in second half. The system accepts predictions until one hour after the start of the match — that is, before the start of the second half.

For each goal scored by your chosen player you get points: 2 in case the player has a forward position, 4 for midfielder, 16 for defender. Points earned are added to the overall result of the tournament; the winners receive prizes.

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- A legionary with an existing contract is marked with a ball icon.

18:28:58-18:28:58 serv2