17.01.2025 07:12 (1 day ago)
Previous match
12.01.2025 16:15
The range of estimates for the next match
< 0
0.00 to 1.81
1.81 to 3.25
3.25 to 3.97
3.97 to 5.42
5.42 to 7.22
> 7.22
Next match
17.01.2025 18:00
Montpellier — AS Monaco
Rating prediction for next match
Montpellier — AS Monaco
17.01.2025 18:00
Wahbi Khazri’s performance in the next match will be very weak. Montpellier will lose by a score 1:5.
Predictions overall: 15 for the player, 602 for the match.
Match result: 2:1. Correct predictions: 33.
Wahbi Khazri played stellar (rating for the match: 9.82). Correct predictions: 0.
Points for your prediction: 0.